Saturday, December 11, 2010


Conference on Equity and Social Justice
2011 Annual Conference on Equity and Social Justice

Addressing Diversity, Social Justice and
Human Rights in a Post-Racial Era:
Challenges, Strategies & Implications

March 26, 2011
The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Pomona, NJ

The Conference Committee invites proposals on the following all topics relevant to equity & social justice:

  • Critical Race Studies
  • Critical Youth Studies
  • Urban Education & Community Partnerships
  • “Othering”
  • Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights
Click here to go to conference website

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Black Violin "Brandenburg" - Music Video

The First FUBU Brutha

W.E.B. DuBois, proposed that to achieve Black Theater art must be:

1. About us. That is, they must have plots which reveal Negro life as it is.

2. By us. That is, they must be written by Negro authors who understand from birth and continuing association, just what it means to be a Negro today.

3. For us. That is, the theater must cater primarily to Negro audiences and be supported and sustained by their entertainment and approval.

4. Near us. The theater must be in a neighborhood near the mass of ordinary Negro people.

W.E.B. Du Bois, “Krigwa Players Little Negro Theatre,” in The Crisis, v. 32, July 1926, pp. 134-136

Saturday, November 27, 2010

chicago sinfonietta teaser

The African American Museum in Philadelphia

The African American Museum in Philadelphia is the first institution built by a major United States city to house and interpret the life and work of African Americans. Our doors are open for your enjoyment and enlightenment six days a week. Visit us and experience the richness and vibrancy of African American heritage and culture come alive in four magnificent exhibition galleries filled with exciting history and fascinating art.